Labour Govt bend after lack of pressure to clamp down on Synthetic Drug dealers
Simeon Brown of the National Party and myself have been pushing the Labour Government to increase the penalty for Synthetic Drug Dealers to a class A classification under the Misuse of Drugs Act to give manufacturers a life sentence in prison if caught, this removes the penalty under the psychoactive Act and reclassifies it under the Misuse of Drugs Act, we are winning with the Support of Darroch Ball of NZ First and Winston Peters and I would like to thank them for their support in a step forward to eliminate the epidemic of deaths these products are causing in this country, Labour and the Greens have been filibusting the whole way up till the final vote to enforce this legislation which should have seen myself in Parliament for the 3rd and final time this month, but, will not be happening now until March 2019 next year, Labour knowing they don't have the numbers to defeat have now jumped on board to show support for the re-classification and the introduction of Mental Health facilities that have been neglected until now knowing that they will be defeated in Parliament next year and need to be seen by the public doing the right thing, these facilities should have been available to my son that died in the care of a negligent rehabilitation clinic last year and a investigative report needs to be done on the whole issue in regards negligence causing death amongst other issues in regards the introduction of the Psychoactive Act and the handling of the introduction to the public #mentalhealth