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Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

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Attention: [Full Name]

To [First Name]


  1. I refer to the company's letter/email dated [date] advising me that unless I take the Covid-19 vaccine by [date], the company will terminate my job.

Employment Relations HSWA 2000

  1. Section 4(1) of the Employment Relations Act 2000 ("ERA") requires that the parties to employment relationship deal with each other in good faith. The duty of good faith is wider in scope than the implied mutual obligations of trust and confidence, and requires the parties to employment relationships to be active and constructive in establishing and maintaining productive employment relationships where the parties are, among other things, responsive and communicative.

  2. Section 4(1A) provides that the duty of good faith also requires an employer who is proposing to make a decision that will, or is likely to have an adverse effect on the continuation of employment of one or more employees, to provide employees with access to relevant information about the decision and an opportunity for the employees to comment on the information to the employer before the decision is made.

  3. Accordingly, please could the company provide me with the information as set out in this letter as a matter of urgency.

Health and Safety Act

  1. In addition, the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 ("HSWA") places specific duties on the company and its officers. The company and its officers cannot contract out or insure against the risk from the significant fines and imprisonment.

  2. A mandate does not surpass the HSWA.

  3. The HSWA can be accessed at

  4. I believe the company and its officers are in breach of the HSWA for the reasons set out in this letter.

Section 83

  1. The company and its officers are claiming that there is a deadly pathogen, Covid-19, in the workplace. If this is true, the workplace is unsafe.

  2. The company and its officers have a duty to ensure that the workplace is safe. The company can test for Covid-19 to ascertain whether Covid-19 is in the workplace or not.

  3. Section 83 of the HSWA provides that I may cease or refuse to carry out work that would expose a serious risk to my health arising from an imminent exposure to a hazard.

  4. I may continue to refuse to carry out the work and go home on full pay, if:

  • I attempt to resolve the matter as soon as practicable after first refusing to do the work;

  • the matter is not resolved; and

  • I believe on reasonable grounds that carrying out the work would expose me to a serious risk to heath health or safety arising an imminent exposure to a hazard.

  1. The company is not testing for Covid-19. Accordingly, the workplace is unsafe.

  2. Instead, the company is mandating all employees to take the vaccine. It is well known that the vaccine does not reduce transmission, prevent infection or confer immunity. The vaccine is not the solution to keeping the workplace safe.

Section 44

  1. The company's health and safety risk assessment has failed to comply with section 44 of the HSWA:

  • The company's officers have not undertaken due diligence to acquire and keep up to date, knowledge of work health and safety matters; and

  • The company does not have appropriate processes for receiving and considering information regarding and risks and for responding in a timely way to that information.

  1. The company's health and risk assessment relies solely on the Ministry of Health's ("MOH") guidelines which are outdated. The company and its officers have not considered the following:

  • the Safety Data Sheet from Pfizer (refer to Schedule 1), which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the vaccine is not tested, not certified and therefore not safe, given the lack of governmental regulatory certification and untested ingredients that are "not listed" within the document from the country of manufacture and are missing from New Zealand Central Government data and communications portals.

This matter requires the company and its officers to fully analyse the propriety chemical to determine that it has efficacy and safety in its use and long-term effects, given that the company and its' officers are advocating the use of the vaccine for workers on behalf of the Government by acting as its' agent.

Please provide me with this information. I also request Material Safety Data Sheets for ALC-0159 and ALC-0315 and the test to establish if I am allergic to BNT62b2.

  • the growing body of scientific evidence shows that the vaccine does not stop transmission, and the vaccinated are a source of transmission and those with breakthrough infections can have a higher viral load (refer to Schedule 2).

Please provide me with the information that shows that the vaccine stops transmission in the workplace.

  • I draw attention to one of the latest studies in The Lancet. The peer-reviewed prospective observational study of 1,072,313 patients, the UK group was unable to tell the difference between vaccine effects and COVID-19[i]. In addition, it was reported by Reuters on 11 December 2021 that most of the U.S Omicron cases have hit the fully vaccinated[ii].

  • the further growing body of scientific evidence shows that the occurrence and frequency of vaccine-resistant mutations correlate strongly with the vaccination rates (refer to Schedule 3). We draw attention to the American Chemical Society[iii] recent abstract stating that:

"By tracking the evolutionary trajectories of vax-resistant mutations in more than 2.2 million SARS-CoV-2 genomes, we reveal that the occurrence & frequency of vax-resistant mutations correlate strongly with the vaccination rates in Europe and America."

Please provide me with the information that shows that the vaccine stops vaccine-resistant mutations.

  • the severity of the virus and the need for the vaccine in a healthy population. For example, other countries, such as Denmark, Sweden and Norway, which initially bought in strict measures, have dropped them.

Please provide me with the information that shows the infection fatality rate for Covid 19 and the various variants.

Section 48

  1. The company and its officers have breached section 48 of the HSWA by exposing me to the risk of death or serious injury or serious injury illness from the vaccine. I have not been advised of the full list of possible adverse events ("AE")

  2. The FDA ACIP Meeting[iv] on 30 October 2020 listed the working list of possible adverse events ("AE"), which are shown below. An extract from the Clinical Evaluation[v], obtained under the Official Information HSWA 1982 ("OIA"), highlights Medsafe's "concerns" of possible adverse reactions before granting provisional approval (full approval has not been granted to date).

Diagram 1:

Diagram 2:

  1. As of 12 November 2021, VAERS (US) had reported 1,742,488 adverse reactions, 18,853 vaccine-related deaths and 94,537 vaccine-reported hospitalisations. As of 6 November 2021, CARM (NZ) reported 35,700 adverse reactions, 1,290 serious reactions and 103 deaths. Contrast this with the 43 deaths defined as COVID-19 deaths in New Zealand since March 2020.

  2. A person commits an offence against section 48 by failing to prevent an individual to a risk of death or serious injury, or serious illness. Proof of intention is not necessary for conviction under section 48.

Section 90

  1. Section 90 of the HSWA provides that a person must not engage in adverse conduct for a prohibited health and safety reason.

  2. Section 88 of the HSWA states that a person engages in adverse conduction if that person terminates a contract with a worker. Whereas section 89 states that adverse conduct is engaged in for a prohibited health and safety reason if it is engaged in because the worker raises or proposes to raise an issue or concern about health and safety with the PCBU.

  3. In addition, a person must not request, instruct, induce, encourage, authorise, or assist another person in engaging in adverse conduct in contravention of section 90.

Optional depending on the circumstances

  1. Section 9 of the Covid-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021 (“the Order”) provides that the CEO of a non-mandated group of people may allow an unvaccinated person to work to prevent the ceasing of the operations.

  2. The vaccination order can be found at:


  1. I have complied with my duty under 45 of the HSWA to take care of my health.

  2. The company and its officers claim I am choosing not to take the vaccine. It is hardly a choice when the Government is forcing New Zealanders into making binary decisions such as "No Jab, No Job" regardless of a person's medical history.

  3. The Government has said that very few people will qualify for exemptions. It is an astonishing statement given the emerging science. I have noted a few of the risks below.

  4. The lipid nanoparticles in the vaccine do not remain in the intramuscular region of the deltoid muscle. They seep out into the cardiovascular system infecting the entire body with spike protein. The spike protein itself is toxic, and a part of the disease pathology is the cause of inflammation, ACE2 deregulation, and opens up immunity pathways. This means Myocarditis (heart inflammation), Encephalitis (brain inflammation) and Hepatomegaly (liver inflammation) are risks and confirmed by many adverse reactions reported to VAERS and EuroVigilance etc.

  5. Dr Robert Malone is one of the world's foremost experts on mRNA therapeutics. Dr Robert Malone is speaking out as he and other scientists did not expect the Spike Protein from the vaccine to move from the muscle in the arm where it was injected and travel to other parts of the body, causing harm.

  6. The American Heart Foundation [vi] has published an abstract which states:

"We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination[vii]".

  1. Vaccine-associated enhanced disease (VAED, also known as AED), including vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease (VAERD), is a known risk. With ADE, the vaccines suppress the innate immune response so that the immune system fails to neutralise the viruses as they enter the body instead of allowing them to replicate in the body, such that the infection is amplified rather than killed off. Moreover, the vaccine primes the immune system for a potentially deadly overreaction known as a hyperinflammatory response" to subsequent infections.

  2. The Government initially said that the vaccine was safe for pregnant women despite Pfizer stating in its Risk Management Plan that there is missing information for use in pregnancy and while breastfeeding. I note that the CARMS site now lists a new safety signal for pregnancy. There has not been an announcement over this safety concern.


  1. Unvaccinated individuals are no more infectious than vaccinated individuals. The term "unvaccinated" is not a synonym of "infected", so decisions should not be made as if it is.

  2. The company and its officers have breached the HSWA and may face significant penalty or fines if pursued by Nuremberg code or Federal Law - WorkSafe laws if there is adverse reaction or possible death caused by the mention experimental Vaccine.

  3. I would prefer to keep my employment to continue. I invite the company and its officers to reconsider its decision and possible liability for my future health based on it's decision, and ask you to sign this document, taking responsibility and liablity for it's company mandate.

Kind regards


Schedule 1

Safety Data Sheet

Schedule 2

Summary of the Science on Transmission

A summary of the recent studies on transmission is set out below.

The Lancet Regional Health Europe[viii] published on 19 November 2021 the following statements:

"Recent data, however, indicate that the epidemiological relevance of COVID-19 vaccinated individuals is increasing. In the UK it was described that secondary attack rates among household contacts exposed to fully vaccinated index cases was similar to household contacts exposed to unvaccinated index cases (25% for vaccinated vs 23% for unvaccinated)."

A recent preprint study[ix] reviewed the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in swab specimens from 36 counties in Wisconsin. There was effectively no difference between the symptomatic vaccinated and unvaccinated in terms of who was carrying and spreading the virus. The asymptomatic vaccinated individuals had a higher percentage with a high viral load.

A study published in the Lancet[x] found that:

"fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have peak viral load similar to unvaccinated cases and can efficiently transmit infection in household settings, including to fully vaccinated contacts".

The CDC[xi] study of an outbreak in Barnstable County, Massachusetts which found that 74% of those infected were fully vaccinated for Covid-19 and that the vaccinated had on average more virus in their nose than the unvaccinated who were infected.

A Tel-Aviv University[xii] study of a SARS-CoV-2 outbreak among 42 patients in a hospital setting PPE, 39 were fully vaccinated. The authors wrote that this "outbreak exemplifies the high transmissibility of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant among twice vaccinated and masked individuals."

Data from Public Health England[xiii] collected between mid-September to mid-November for the vaccinated confirms that case rates for all age groups between 0-79 years have increased at a greater rate (31 to 42%) than unvaccinated rates (-7% to 25%).

Schedule 3

Vaccine-resistant mutations

The Irish Times[xiv] reported Vermont is the most vaccinated state, with 91% of everyone 12 and older at least partially vaccinated. Vermont has one of the highest infection rates in the country, with daily cases more than 300% higher than November 2020. Real-life `breakthrough case' examples support the emerging data with 100% vaccinated populations on board the Royal Navy's HMS Queen Elizabeth carrier[xv] and the 'Celebrity Millennium' cruise liner (BBC News, 2021).

Paradoxically, there may be an escape risk of mass vaccination campaigns exerting immune-selection pressure to increase the dominance of immune-escape variants. The Ministry of Health's ("MOH") Risk vs Benefit Document confirms that there was no information regarding vaccine effectiveness for the new variant virus lineages that may become important epidemiologically, including the possibility of change because of vaccine-selection pressures.

A landmark 2004 paper outlying a phylodynamic framework to describe the evolution of RNA viruses under epidemic conditions theorises that viral adaptation occurs at the highest rate under intense immune-selection pressure and high infectious pressure[xvi].

Dr Vanden Bossche is an independent vaccine expert and a former academic at universities in Belgium and Germany, who has since served in various R&D and senior program roles at GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, Solvay Biologicals, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI, and has been an outspoken critic of the mass vaccination campaign.

Dr Vanden Bossche is warning humanity of the devastating impact of mass vaccination with non-sterilising vaccines (i.e. vaccines that do not prevent people from getting infected with or transmitting the virus) given the consequential increasing pressure for the spike protein to move towards full immune escape. In other words, the widespread vaccination rate creates pressure on the virus to mutate into variants that are more contagious. As the unvaccinated population is increasingly made smaller through the process of vaccination, the pressure on the virus to mutate increases. Subsequently, these mutations stay at higher or more effective levels of infection.

Dr Vanden Bossche published an open letter on his website to appeal to the WHO[xvii] to immediately open the channels for scientific debate and declare a public health emergency of international concern, given the paradigm of mass vaccination causing the spike protein to move towards full immune escape. Dr Vanden Bossche has not wavered from his thesis on the folly of the current strategy. Regrettably, his thesis is increasingly being corroborated through the research of molecular and genomic epidemiologists and the number of `breakthrough cases'.

For example, data from California already suggests that fully vaccinated individuals are significantly more likely than unvaccinated (77.6% vs 47.7%) to be infected with antibody-resistant SARS-CoV-2 variants[xviii].

Dr Chris Martenson interviewed [xix] Dr Vanden Bossche in June 2021. In September 2021, Dr Phillip McMillan (UK) hosted a meeting between two of the world's prominent voices, Geert Vanden Bossche, expert vaccine developer (Belgium) and Robert Malone MD, the inventor of mRNA (USA)[xx]. The links for both interviews are set out in the references.

Virologist Prof Luc Montagnier, the co-discoverer of HIV and 2008 Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine, stated in a video interview translated and published by the RAIR Foundation US:

"The history books will show that because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants" and, "It is clear that the new variants are created by antibody-mediated selection due to the vaccination."

[iv] Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee October 22, 2020 Meeting Presentation, Steve Anderson, PhD, MPP Director, Office of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, CBER (October 22 2020) U.S. Food & Drug Administration

[v] Clinical Evaluation (response documents at

[vi]Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning, Steven R Gundry (Originally published 8 November 2021) AHA Journals

[viii] The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing , Gunter Kampf (Published 19 November 2021)

[ix] Shedding of Infectious SARS-CoV-2 Despite Vaccination Kasen K. Riemersma, Brittany E. Grogan, Amanda Kita-Yarbro, ; Peter J. Halfmann, (Published: August 2021) medRxiv

[x] Community transmission and viral load kinetics of the SARS-CoV-2 delta (B.1.617.2) variant in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in the UK: a prospective, longitudinal, cohort study. Anika Singanayagam, PhD; Seran Hakki,, PhD; Jake Dunning et al.(Published: October 29, 2021) The Lancet Journal

[xi] Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Including COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections, Associated with Large Public Gatherings - Barnstable County, Massachusetts. Catherine M Brown; Johanna Vostok; Hillary Johnson; Meagan Burns; Radhika Gharpure; Samira Sami; Rebecca T Sabo; Noemi Hall; Anne Foreman; Petra L Schubert; Glen R Gallagher; Timelia Fink; Lawrence C Madoff; Stacey B Gabriel; Bronwyn MacInnis; Daniel J Park; Katherine J Siddle; Vaira Harik; Deirdre Arvidson; Taylor Brock-Fisher; Molly Dunn; Amanda Kearns; A Scott Laney (July 2021) National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information

[xii] Nosocomial outbreak caused by the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant in a highly vaccinated population, Israel. Pnina Shitrit 1 2; Neta S Zuckerman 3; Orna Mor 3 4; Bat-Sheva Gottesman 2 5; Michal Chowers 2 5 (July 2021) National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information

[xiii] COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report Week 46, UK Health Security Agency (Published: 18 November 2021)

[xiv] Waterford city district has State’s highest rate of Covid-19 infections, County also has highest rate of vaccination take-up in the Republic, Ronan McGreevy (October 21 2021) The Irish Times

[xvi] Unifying the Epidemiological and Evolutionary Dynamics of Pathogens, Bryan T. Grenfell; Oliver G. Pybus; Julia R. Gog; James L.N. Wood; Janet M. Daly; Jenny A. Mumford; Edward C. Holmes (Published January 16 2004) Princeton University Science Research

[xvii] Open Letter to the WHO: Immediately Halt All Covid-19 Mass Vaccinations, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD (March 12 2021) Freedom of Speech Open Letter to the WHO: Immediately Halt All Covid-19 Mass Vaccinations-Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD – Freedom Of Speech (

[xviii] Area FB, Servellita CV, Morris M-K, et al. Predominance of antibody-resistant SARS-CoV-2 variants in vaccine breakthrough cases from the San Francisco Bay Area, California. medRxiv: the preprint server for health sciences. Published online August 25, 2021. doi:10.1101/2021.08.19.21262139

[xix]The Vaccines: Awesome Ingenuity or A Huge Mistake? Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche DMV, PhD (Premiered June 23 2021) Peak Prosperity, YouTube

[xx]Meeting of the COVID-19 Giants with Geert Vanden Bossche and Robert Malone MD, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD; Robert Malone MD (Premiered June 23 2021) Peak Prosperity Meeting of the COVID-19 Giants with Geert Vanden Bossche and Robert Malone MD - YouTube

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